
Why you should be switching to Sulfate-free shampoos

With so much buzz around and with the heavy users of social media for information on skin care and hair care products, people get confused on whether to switch to sulfate free shampoos or not.
Well here is a plain and simple information for you to decide on.
Sulfates are the chemicals which attract dirt and oil from your hair. Basically they are the surfactants and are used in shampoos to attract dirt,grime and dead skin cells. So you must be thinking it’s good for you. The answer is NO. They also take natural oils from your hair and scalp and result in unnourished,frizzy,dull and thin hair. They give out much lather when you shampoo as they are loaded with sulfates.
The common sulfates used in shampoos are Sodium Laureth Sulphate (SLES) and Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS).
Why Sulfate free shampoos?
Sulphate free shampoos are natural shampoos and do not strip away natural moisture and oils from your hair and fortifies the hair roots. It keeps strands soft and smooth and prevents hair fall.
They are quite good for color-treated hair as well as sulfate free shampoos are mild and gentle and do not fade away color after each wash.
They are quite good for sensitive and itchy scalp as they are mild and gentle.
So what are you waiting for, try EARTHGOGLOW Sulfate free shampoos which are made from plant based ingredients and are good for the environment too.
Come and Shine with us.

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